Sexual Health Services
in London and Surrey

Patient feedback on the Bloomsbury Service 2022

We invited all of the Bloomsbury clients to give their feedback on the service that they receive.

We previously did a similar survey in 2020, but wanted to do again to get further feedback and ensure the clinic has up to date information.

How did we do it?
  • The survey was open for 8 weeks (December 2021 to January 2022)
  • SMS Invitations to an online survey were sent to 3,158 people living with HIV registered to our Bloomsbury service
  • Patients were invited through text, posters in clinical spaces. The Bloomsbury patient network emailed the link to all of their members and we asked all clinicians to remind patients when seeing them.
  • We also sent out a specific request for clinicians to encourage women and Black African patients to complete the survey following a low response rate in previous years and wanting to hear all our patients voices.
  • The survey was accessible by computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone and paper surveys were also available in clinic
  • This time we made sure that the survey was in the top languages spoken in the clinic: English/Portuguese/Romanian/Turkish/Mandarin
  • All responses were anonymised
Who completed the survey?
  • 1,047 (7 paper) respondents completed the survey = 33.2% of the total invited. This was an increase compared to 2020 which had 795 respondents = 15.7% of those invited
  • The demographics of those who completed the survey were: White (70%), Black African Caribbean (16%), ‘Mixed’ (7.6%), British Indian (1.4%), Chinese (0.4%), ‘Other’ (6.2%)

As for gender:

In 2022 – 13% of respondents were women. In 2020 - 12.8% were women (compared to 19% of cohort)

What were the results?
  • 94% of patients rated their care as ‘good’, ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’
  • 417 (67.5% were willing to complete pre-appointment questionnaires) via the below methods:
    • email (47%)
    • smartphone app (51.4%)
    • or patient portal (63.8%)
  • 637/795 (80.1%) indicated a hybrid model of care with annual/biennial Face-to-Face and 6 monthly virtual appointments being acceptable
  • Only 11.4% liked the idea of their GP holding all of their HIV Care. 65.6% felt more comfortable with their GP holding none of their HIV Care and 23% were okay with the idea of their GP holding some of their HIV care
  • 79.5% of patients would like their sexual health care to be at Bloomsbury Clinic, 16% selected Sexual Health London and 4.5% indicated elsewhere


  • 18% of Bloomsbury patients spend more than £10 travelling to clinic
  • 98% of patients had mobile access for confidential calls of whom 773 (97.6%) had a smartphone. 96% had enough credit to call the clinic on most or every day
  • 84.6% reported English as their first language


What have we done with the results?

You said - We want more appointment flexibility

We did - We now offer phone and face-to-face appointments throughout the week and on Tuesday evenings

You said- You liked seeing the same clinician where possible

We did- We are aiming for everyone to see a regular clinician when available

You said- We like having our sexual health screens at Bloomsbury clinic

We did- We will continue to offer this service to all Bloomsbury clients

You said- 18% of you spend more than £10 travelling to the clinic

We did- We are working on supporting patients with high travel cost